The History of Venice

There are so many interesting things to know and learn about Venice; then and now. I think Venice’s history is different from the US, but still interesting. The city of Venice is located on a series of small islands off the coast of Italy. The series is pretty big; the total number of islands is 118! Something unique about Venice is since it is a series of islands, there are no roads (cars aren’t their main source of transportation!). Instead, it is connected by waterways and they travel from island to island on gondolas. A gondola is an open, flat-bottomed boat that serve as the main source of transportation in Venice. A gondolier is the driver of the gondola. Most buildings in Venice use Venetian Gothic Architecture. This style of architecture drew from Byzantine, Ottoman, and Phoenician influences as well as standard Gothic style. Speaking of influences, there were two main time periods that were greatly influenced by the culture of Venice. The Middle Ages was one, but the Renaissance was even more influenced by Venice. One big event that happens in Venice every year is the Carnival of Venice. Something super distinctive about this event is every year, all the attendees wear a mask to the carnival, and there’s a big contest where judges decide which mask is the most beautiful. One interesting fact about Venice is that Antonio Vivaldi, a famous composer, was originally from Venice. Isn’t that cool? In conclusion, Venice’s history was super cool, even though it was way different from our culture.

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