What is a Genre?

Are you currently in the middle of reading a book, or have you just finished a book? Was it a scary book? A science book? A mystery book? Well, every book has this thing called a genre. A genre is a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter. Have you ever read a book filled with facts? Such as a book about storms? What about a book about a celebrity? Or a book about Albert Einstein? Well, books filled with facts are called nonfiction books. Also, have you ever read the classic story of Peter Pan in Neverland? What about Rapunzel? Or the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf? Those are called fairy tales. A fairy tale is an example of a fiction book. A fiction book is a book about something that the author made up using their imagination. Every book is a type of book, or has a genre. Some examples of genres are fiction, nonfiction, mystery, horror, science fiction, historical fiction, mythology, comedy, and so much more. One of my favorite book series right now is the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan. It’s about a teen boy named Percy that has to live his complicated life as the son of the Greek sea god, Poseidon. He has his friends who are also sons and daughters of Greek gods and goddesses too. Those books’ genre is mythology. Greek mythology, to be more specific. Another one of my favorite book series is the Everyday Angel book series by Victoria Schwab. Those books are about a guardian angel named Aria who can only earn her angel wings if she helps three different girls. She knows which three girls she has to help because of the baby blue smoke that surrounds their heads. Only Aria can see the smoke, though. There are three books in the series, and each book is about one girl that Aria helps. I’ve read the first and second, but not the third yet. The genre of that book series is fiction, because it involves an angel with magical blue smoke and glowing shadows. In conclusion, genres play a big part in books, so if you want to become a writer (author) when you grow up or something, I’d suggest searching more about genres.

Crystal Meth – Science

Crystal meth, also known as crystal methamphetamine, is just one form of the drug methamphetamine. The two street names that are used most as a slang word for meth are ice and glass. Crystal meth is a white crystalline drug that most people take by inhaling it through the nose, smoking it, or injecting it with a needle. Another way people take it is orally, but it’s not common. But all people grow a strong craving for it all the time because the drug creates a fake feeling of contentment and welfare—a rush of self-confidence, hyper activeness, and energy (again, all false feelings). Meth users also sometimes experience decreased appetite, and body issues (just like all drugs). Crystal meth effects usually last from six to eight hours, but can last up to a whole twenty-four hours. The first few experiences might involve pleasure, but from the first try methamphetamine starts to abolish the user’s life.

Painkiller Abuse – Science

Painkillers are an amazing medicine that can really relieve your physical pain. But they don’t help your emotional pain, which is what painkiller abusers think. They think specifically that if they’re painfully stuck with a bad case of depression or anger then if they take lots of painkillers then they’re hard feelings will go away. That is most definitely a false statement. Painkillers certainly help your physical pain, but you can’t fix your emotional pain with medicine. Also, lots of painkiller abusers think that if they take medicine, then they won’t get high like they would on street drugs because they’re medicine recommended by a doctor for pain. But doctors need to be more specific when they say pain, because lots of painkiller abusers think they’re safe because they’re straight from a doctor, and they’re medicine that can help relieve pain. In conclusion, painkillers are not an emotional pain medicine, it’s only helpful for physical pain!

Smoking Marijuana – It’s Not as Cool as You Think (Science)

Marijuana is a very powerful drug that can change your life definitely for the worse. It is also known as dope, grass, pot, weed, bhang, and much more street names. The most well-known street name for marijuana is probably pot. Marijuana can change everything in your life with using it just once. You’re probably now thinking, why can’t someone stop using it if it’s making their life horrible? Well, there’s a chemical people put in marijuana that makes drug users addicted to it after one try. That chemical is called tetrahydrocannabinol. There are lots of other cannabinol ingredients in marijuana, but I’m not going to list all 483. The earliest time when people smoked marijuana was in the 1960s, but the majority of the people who smoked pot were adults. That still doesn’t mean it’s not bad. Now, people as early age as 11 years old smoke pot, and that’s not something to be proud of! Some things that happen as a result to smoking pot is lopsided eyesight, not thinking right, heart beat slows down, dying, and much more terrible things. In conclusion, I think that smoking marijuana is not the right choice, unless you want to live a miserable rest of your life.

If I Were to get Shipwrecked – English

The book I’m reading, Robinson Crusoe, is about a man named Robinson who gets shipwrecked on an island and is left with only himself and the wrecked boat. He made himself a home, food, tools, and much more. I think he made well of what he was given on the island. If I were to get shipwrecked on an island with only two tools, devices, or gadgets, I would want a gun and a drill with nails and batteries. I would want a gun because that way, I could kill animals, like deer or birds, and cook them over a fire and it would make great food. Or, if I was going into the island to explore or get something and I ran into some deadly animal like a bear or something, I would want something to defend myself. I would want a drill with nails and batteries so then when I build anything I would have something to put it together. I wouldn’t need food; it would be provided by animals and fruit trees (etc.). I wouldn’t need company; I could live on my own… hopefully! I wouldn’t need clothes, I could go onto the wrecked ship and find the clothes that I wore before the shipwreck. I could just wash my clothes in a river and use soap from the ship. I could also find a lot of other things on the ship and use them wisely. In conclusion, I think that the two materials I’d want is a gun for killing animals and defending myself, and a drill with nails and batteries to build myself things easier.

Cell Phones: The Cigarettes of the 21st Century

Cell phones are one of the most popular things in the world, and for many reasons. Over 80% of people in the world own a cell phone, not knowing that it can cause major health problems, such as brain tumors, cancer, etc. You’re probably now wondering, how can a little wireless device cause a major brain tumor? Well, just like microwaves, cell phones produce microwave radiation, which is super bad for you. So when you are on the phone (an iPhone or a Samsung) the radiation travels in through your ear, and into your brain, then kills brain cells, and over 40% of the time causes brain tumors. Isn’t that just horrible? Also, wonder why cell phone products (Samsung, Apple, Blackberry, etc.) don’t mention this in any of their ads or commercials? That’s obviously because they want money more than they want people to be safe and healthy! I hope that this little article will stop you from wanting the newest iPhone so badly for Christmas, or the Samsung Galaxy 6 or something, because I sure don’t want my iPhone anymore!

Alcohol: It’s More Than Just a Drink – Science

Many people believe that drinking one glass of alcohol each day helps prevent heart disease. Who knows; that may be true, but there is a much bigger chance of it changing your life for the worse than for the better. In fact, there are lots of things that alcohol can do to your body that I wouldn’t say is that great. Before I get into any of the details, I’m going to say what the most popular kinds of alcohol are. There’s liquid alcohol, drugs, tobacco, wine, and cigarettes. There are plenty more kinds of alcohol, but those are the most popular. Those things can affect your bloodstream (veins), your intestines, your kidneys, your liver, your brain, and it can cause internal bleeding. Do you really think anyone would want to drink if they knew that they could get blood clots? What about bleeding into the stomach? Or, having your brain shrink just a little due to a few drinks at your friend’s party? Well, of course not! At least, I know I sure wouldn’t! There are so many more terrible things alcohol can do to your body, but those are the main things alcohol can affect. In conclusion, if you want a happy, healthy body, then stay away from that alcohol.

Personal Fitness Test

1. Do you have any curable sicknesses? Are your health habits such that your risk of disease is minimal? I do not have any curable sicknesses right now. My risk of disease is definitely low because I exercise, I eat and drink healthy, and I am barely ever sad or depressed.
2. What is a nutritious diet? Do you know why eating healthy is important? How many servings of vegetables and fruit are in your diet? Do you drink enough water daily? Do you drink soda? A nutritious diet is eating lots of fruits, veggies, and other healthy things instead of gluten, pizza, or greasy foods. Eating healthy is important because it keeps you from gaining too much weight and it is one of the main things you must do to have a good fitness. I eat at least two pieces of fruit each day (an apple and a bowl of strawberries = two pieces of fruit for me) and I eat the same amount of veggies each day too. I actually probably drink more water than I need to because I am more of a water person than a soda or milk person; I drink the most water in my entire family. I drink very little soda; my three brothers drink much more in one day than I do in three days.
3. Is your body weight and composition within a healthy range? Do you know how to adjust your body weight through healthy eating and exercise? I am in seventh grade and I weigh probably around 100 lbs. Last time I weighed myself was at the beginning of the summer (it’s December right now) and I weighed 97 lbs. I think that my weight is in a healthy range. I do know how to adjust my body weight through healthy eating and exercise. If I wanted to lose weight, I would exercise each day, but not too much, and I wouldn’t eat any more junk food at all (no more cookies, candy, ice cream, etc., which I couldn’t handle. Ha ha).
4. Are you out of breath when you climb up the stairs or do chores at home? How is your energy level when you attempt to exercise? No, I am not out of breath when I climb the stairs or do chores because that isn’t very much exercising what so ever. Normally when I exercise I exercise for one hour by jumping on the trampoline, doing gymnastics, stretching, or riding my bike. I exercise every day somehow, knowing that if I don’t then I’ll become obese and also exercising makes me happy.
5. Do you consume alcohol, drugs or tobacco? Do you participate in activities that could negatively affect your health? No, I don’t consume any of those things, and I hope I never will; that’s totally nasty and gross. Plus, it messes up your thinking, your fitness, and so much more. No, I don’t participate in any sort of activity that negatively affects my health, and I never would.
6. Do you exercise regularly? Yes, I do every day for about one hour.
7. Do you get at least 8 hours of sleep per day? Do you get at least two hours of sleep before midnight? Do you feel energized in the morning? I usually get 8-10 hours of sleep and the least is 7 hours, and that’s not regularly. I normally get to bed by 10:00-10:30, but I hate it. Sometimes we’re even up until 11:00, which my parents are trying to stop. I am tired in the morning, but once I get out of bed I am perfectly energized and fine.
8. Do you attend a good church or youth ministry? Do you serve in your church? I go to church every Sunday and every Wednesday I go to Youth Group for kids’ grades 6-8. I serve in the toddler room every Sunday for two services and the third I go to the church service.
9. Do you try to spend time with your family (e.g. school activities, books you like to read, sports, politics, Bible reading, walks, etc.)? Do you have friends with great attitudes who build you up and encourage you to work hard? I do spend time with my family, and that is one of the reasons we started homeschooling this year. We go on field trips together, we all do sports, we do a devotional every night, and sometimes we all just make dinner together. I do have friends with awesome attitudes that always tell me to work my hardest and never give up. Sometimes we joke around, but we still always make each other feel better when we’re down.
10. Do you listen to uplifting, upbeat music (i.e. are you familiar with great classical music from composers like Handle and Beethoven)? I don’t normally listen to classical music; I like the pop music such as Taylor Swift, Shawn Mendes, Adele, Justin Bieber, or One Direction. But I am familiar with Beethoven and I’ve listened to a few of his beautiful pieces.

English – Robin Hood Story

Everyone living in the kingdom and the country was told by King Eldred that the outlaw Robin Hood would be killed by he himself. The poor people whom Robin had helped did not want Robin to be killed, but there was no vote. The King hated Robin Hood, for he had made many problems in the kingdom of Norrington. The rich people weren’t fond of him, either. They hated the insanely horrible things Robin used to do to the kingdom and rich people of the country, and only for the people who owed a debt, or slaves, or really poor people. Robin was somewhere out there hiding, knowing that they were finally out to get him, and not just to threaten him again like they have over fifteen times in the past four years.
He would steal the most valuable things in the kingdom and give them to the poor, so then the humble people with no money could eventually be rich.
“Sir, you shouldn’t be the one killing him, for he is a powerful outlaw. It is possible he could have a plan to kill all of us! For he is a great archer.” The Sheriff said to the King.
“Sheriff! For the tenth time, I will be killing the outlaw, for he stole my diamond from my wife that she gave me before she died, so it is so very obvious that it is my job! If something happens to me, you’ll be in charge until someone else becomes king. Do you understand, Sheriff?” King Eldred said, irritated.
“Yes sir.” The Sheriff said, and ran out to the peoples who were wondering how King Eldred was going to kill Robin.
“The King will torture the outlaw himself!” The Sheriff said to all the people loud and clear. It was all silent, then loud cheer from the crowd. Some of the cheers were happy, and some were upset and angry. Not everyone wanted this fugitive to be gone forever.

Robin chewed on some dried meat and bread he stole from the kingdom’s kitchen that he didn’t give away but kept for himself. He thought about the news little 10 year old Sandra, the poor girl whom he gave food to every day, told him about King Eldred wanting to kill him. It was a good thing he was keeping these poor people alive, for he cared about them more than his life.
He realized Sandra hadn’t come yet today. Her parents lived across the other side of the ocean, and she was taken captive and released here, but refused to live with him because she wanted everyone she met to think she was a big girl who could live on her own. But she couldn’t live on her own. She didn’t know it, but she relied on Robin for food, clothes, and shelter. Robin built her little home and gave her food every day.
Good thing he knew where Sandra slept, because he was worried about her.
He walked the short walk to get there and arrived to see Sandra sleeping. He didn’t wake her up, but left her food and his little metal bucket he stole from the well full of fresh water. He put his signature on it so she knew it was from him. He couldn’t stay home today, for he had to go. Just as he was leaving, she awoke and stopped Robin from leaving.
“Robin, is that you? Robin?” Sandra asked.
Robin turned around and faced her. When Sandra saw it was him, she smiled.
“Hi Robin. Why did you come here instead of having I to go to you like always?” She asked.
“Sandra, today I have a busy day, so I brought you extra in case I’m not at my home tomorrow. So please, just stay here and don’t get yourself in any trouble.” Robin said, then left before Sandra could ask any more questions.
He bolted to the kingdom to spy on the King and see what his plans specifically were. He found then hid in a great spot and listened to King Eldred’s meeting with the Sheriff.
“King, I don’t think it’s a good idea to be killing this fellow. Why don’t we ask a truce with him and give him loads so he’ll never come back? Besides, who knows how far away he hides every night? Does he have a home? A family? Is he poor or rich?” The Sheriff asked.
“Sheriff! I can handle it myself. We are going to capture him tomorrow morning at dawn, and then we will kill him before he has time to aim any arrows or even pull out a sword. It is settled!” The King said, then walked out of the room. The Sheriff didn’t leave, though. He paced back and forth, mumbling to himself about Robin and how he didn’t want anything to do with this.
“Why, Sheriff, you look mighty fine today!” Robin said as he climbed down from his hiding place. The Sheriff gasped.
“You were in here the entire time, Robin Hood?” The Sheriff asked, surprised yet angry. “My, my, if only the king were in here to see you. Well, mister Robin Hood, you’re going to have to come with me to your dungeon cell until tomorrow.” The Sheriff held out his hand sarcastically.
“That sounds fun, but I’ll just stick to my normal routine of escaping instead.” Robin grinned mischievously and jumped out the window. He landed on part of the roof, and ran to his home as quick as he could to prepare. He sure didn’t want to be killed!
He ran inside Sandra’s home once he arrived, but Sandra wasn’t there. He suddenly felt a poke on his back. He turned.
“Robin, why did you go to the kingdom when you knew you might be captured?” Sandra asked.
“Did you follow me?” Robin asked.
“Yes, I sometimes follow you and I know you steal from the kingdom just for me and the other poor people in the country. Please don’t!” Sandra exclaimed. “I don’t want to be an outlaw too when I’m only ten years old!”
“Sandra, it is getting late. I must go home before the knights come out and begin their nightly search. So go to sleep now.” Robin tried to dash out but Sandra stepped in front of the little doorway.
“Robin, I need to know why you steal.” Sandra said. He never saw this maturity in her.
“Because I care about you. I care about you, and the poor people, and I hate the way the king treats you. They pretend you are animals, and you are people just like them. So I’m going to leave now.” Robin picked up Sandra, and tossed her in her bed like a sack of potatoes and bolted to his home before the king could find him.

To be continued…

History – A Goal I’ve Set – Was it Successful?

There are many goals I’ve set in my life, such as New Year’s resolutions, or aiming on accomplishing a new gymnastics trick. One of the goals I’ve set is to become a better photographer. I have an iPhone 4s, and pretty much the only thing I use it for is to practice my photography skills. I take pictures of myself, nature, things or places that I think are cool, and I also like just editing random pictures in my camera roll. There are many steps I’ve taken and have to take to become a great photographer. One is practicing. My neighbor, Samantha, likes photography too so we like to take pictures and edit them to make them look awesome. Then, I’ll show them to people and ask their opinion and what I could do to make it better (specifically friends and family). Another step I’ve taken is getting advice from my mom’s cousin, Jodi. She’s a professional photographer, and she’s got all the huge cameras and lighting and stuff. I’m amazed at the things she can do, so I like asking for her opinion and advice above anyone else. One step I haven’t taken but need to take is get a better camera (not an iPhone!) and take a photography class. The steps I’ve taken have made me better, and I hope that taking the next step of getting a better camera, then taking a photography class, will make me better and lead to a successful photography career! So far in this journey, I have been successful, just like the Third Crusade. At the end, they made a peaceful agreement and didn’t fight! So they were successful, and so am I!